
Friday, 2 March 2012

Hey Sexy Momma!

Spotting some commotions from afar, i approached cautiously from behind some shrubs. Looking closely near the edge of the water i observed a ball of red Haruan fries of about 1cm each, rolling near the surface. Suspecting the parent might be right below thus i shot a cast out along the shoreline and made a straight retrieve into the ball of fries and paused for a split second. Immediately as i began the next retrieve a dust of muck rose from the bottom and a shadow engulfed my tiny Rapala ultralight minnow!

 Taken on a Rapala Ultralight minnow 40mm Clown Color

Say Ahhhhh!

The fight was awesome, with the Haruan making fast short burst and making rounds after rounds in the lagoon. The fish was swiftly landed, mugshot taken and returned to it's babies waiting in the water.

The day ended with another smaller Haruan again taken on a Ultralight minnow but this time a 60mm version. What a pleasant way to end a beautiful fishing day!

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